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Néstor Cataño and Ijaz Ahmed, Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Task Threaded Server: A Case Study With The Plural Tool, in Proceedings of 16th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS'11), Trento, Italy, August 29-30, 2011 [1]

Joshua Sunshine, Karl Naden, Sven Stork, Jonathan Aldrich, and Éric Tanter, First-Class State Change in Plaid, To appear in Proceedings of Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '11), 2011, [2]

David Alves, Pedro Bizarro and Paulo Marques, Deadline Queries: Leveraging the Cloud to Produce On-Time Results, in Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011), July 4-9, 2011, Washington Marriott, Washington DC, USA, [3]

Jonathan Aldrich, Ronald Garcia, Mark Hahnenberg, Manuel Mohr, Karl Naden, Darpan Saini, Sven Stork, Joshua Sunshine, Éric Tanter, and Roger Wolff, Permission-Based Programming Languages (NIER Track), in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '11), New Ideas and Emerging Results Track, 2011, [4]

Sven Stork, Paulo Marques, Jonathan Aldrich. Concurrency by Default: Using Permissions to Express Dataflow in Stateful Programs. Onward! Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, October, 2009, [5].

Sven Stork, Concurrent Programming via Access Permissions, PhD Thesis Proposal, Coimbra, Portugal, September, 2009, [6].


Alcides Fonseca, ÆminiumGPU: A CPU-GPU Hybrid Runtime for the Æminium Language, thesis submitted to the University of Coimbra for obtaining the Masters’ Degree in Informatics Engineering, September 2011 [7]

Internal Presentations

July 2011: Pulse: Plural To EVMDD-SMC - The Compiler and Model Generator

March 2011 at Novabase: Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Task Threaded Server: A Case Study With The Plural Tool

Public Presentations

SSSG 2008: Parallel-Programming-Models.pdf

SSSG 2008: SSSG-CurrentResearch.pdf

UC/Seminar presentation January 2009: Designing-a-Concurrent-Programming-Language.pdf

SSSG talk 2009: SSSG-Concurrency-by-Default.pdf

PhD-Proposal short presentation: Concurrent-Programming-via-Access-Permissions.pdf

Phd-Proposal UC: PhD-Proposal-Defense-UC.pdf

Onward 2009: Concurreny-By-Default.pdf

Concurrency-Workshop 2010: AEminium-in-a-Nutshell.pdf