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Freeing Programmers from the Shackles of Sequentiality.

Current programming systems shackle developers to a sequential coding paradigm. This paradigm hampers developers from taking advantage of emerging large‐scale multicore hardware. We propose a platform which builds in concurrency by default: instead of sequencing code, programmers express dependency information, which is used by a compile‐time checker to verify correctness conditions, and by the libraries and runtime system to enable concurrent execution. As a result, developers can write parallel code in a natural style and have confidence in its correctness and performance.

Consult the Executive Summary for information on the project.

AEminium at the University of Coimbra

AEminiumGPU [1] is a sub-project of the AEminium project. It provides an high-level programming framework for developing parallel programs for both CPUs and GPUs. AEminiumGPU drives inspiration from Functional Programming and currently allows developers to implement programs based on the Map-Reduce pattern. In the future, the framework can be extended with other higher-order functions. AEminiumGPU does not force developers to understand the particularities of GPU programming. Programs can be written in pure Java (and soon AEminium) but specific parts of the code are compiled to OpenCL and executed on the GPU.

AEMiniumGPU is a framework composed by a compiler and a runtime. It is available for download the following address:

AEminium at the University of Madeira

The organizers of FMICS'11 selected the article "Multi-Task Threaded Server: A Case Study With The Plural Tool" by Néstor Cataño and Ijaz Ahmed for submission to Science of Computer Programming (SCP). FMICS invited 7 papers in total and will select 5 of them for final publication to SCP. This article discusses the business case provided by AEMinium's industrial partner Novabase.

Follow this link for more information on what the University of Madeira is doing on the AEminium project.

Upcoming Workshop, November 9th 2011

The AEminium project is co-organizing a joint workshop with INTERFACES project. More information on the program and location will be coming soon.

Past Workshop on Facilitating Adoption of Parallel Computing

May 5, 2010

Follow this link for more info on the workshop.

AEminium source code

Check out Google Code for code and examples (under development).