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== Publications ==
== Publications in Conferences==
Sven Stork, Concurrent Programming via Access Permissions, PhD Thesis Proposal, Coimbra, Portugal, September, 2009, [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~svens/papers/proposal-2009.pdf pdf].
Néstor Cataño and Ijaz Ahmed and Jonathan Aldrich and Radu Siminiceanu, Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Task Threaded Server, in Science of Computer Programming, 2013. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167642313000178]
Sven Stork, Paulo Marques, Jonathan Aldrich. Concurrency by Default: Using Permissions to Express Dataflow in Stateful Programs. Onward! Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, October, 2009, [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~svens/papers/onward-2009.pdf pdf].
Alcides Fonseca and Cabral, B. ,AeminiumGPU: An Intelligent Framework for GPU Programming, in Facing the Multicore-Challenge III, 2013 [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/e/e8/Mc12_aeminiumgpu_an_inteligent_framework_for_gpu_programming.pdf]
Radu I. Siminiceanu Ijaz Ahmed and Néstor Catanõ, Automated Verification of Specifications with Typestates and Access Permissions, in Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2012), Electronic Communications of the EASST, September 2012.
C. Olarte and E. Pimentel and N. Cataño and C. Rueda, A Linear Concurrent Constraint approach for the automatic verification of access permissions, in Proceedings of the 14th symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programming (PPDP), ACM Press, September 2012.
Alcides Fonseca, Bruno Cabral, Handling Exceptions in Programs with Hidden Concurrency: New Challenges for "Old" Solutions, in ICSE'12 Workshop Proceedings, 5th International Workshop on Exception Handling (WEH.12), Zurich, Switzerland, June, 2012. [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/3/39/Weh12_exceptions_in_programs_with_hidden_concurrency.pdf]
Néstor Cataño and Ijaz Ahmed, Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Task Threaded Server: A Case Study With The Plural Tool, in Proceedings of 16th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS'11), Trento, Italy, August 29-30, 2011 [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/6/67/Mtts.pdf]
Nels E. Beckman, Duri Kim, and Jonathan Aldrich, An Empirical Study of Object Protocols in the Wild, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP '11), 2011. [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aldrich/papers/aldrich-empirical-ecoop11.pdf]
Roger Wolff, Ronald Garcia, Éric Tanter, and Jonathan Aldrich, Gradual Typestate, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP '11), 2011. [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aldrich/papers/aldrich-gradual-ecoop11.pdf]
Ligia Nistor and Jonathan Aldrich, Verifying Object-Oriented Code Using Object Propositions, in International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership in object-oriented programming (IWACO), 2011.  [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aldrich/papers/nistor-iwaco11.pdf]
Joshua Sunshine, Karl Naden, Sven Stork, Jonathan Aldrich, and Éric Tanter, First-Class State Change in Plaid, To appear in Proceedings of Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '11), 2011, [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aldrich/papers/plaid-oopsla11.pdf]
David Alves, Pedro Bizarro and Paulo Marques, Deadline Queries: Leveraging the Cloud to Produce On-Time Results, in Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011), July 4-9, 2011, Washington Marriott, Washington DC, USA, [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/5/5a/Paper_cloud_2011_cr_final_v2.pdf]
Jonathan Aldrich, Ronald Garcia, Mark Hahnenberg, Manuel Mohr, Karl Naden, Darpan Saini, Sven Stork, Joshua Sunshine, Éric Tanter, and Roger Wolff,
Permission-Based Programming Languages (NIER Track), in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '11), New Ideas and Emerging Results Track, 2011, [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aldrich/papers/plaid-NIER2010.pdf]
Filipe Militão, Jonathan Aldrich, and Luís Caires, Aliasing Control with View-Based Typestate, in Proceedings of Formal Techniques for Java Like Programs (FTfJP), 2010. [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aldrich/papers/ftfjp2010-view.pdf]
Sven Stork, Paulo Marques, Jonathan Aldrich. Concurrency by Default: Using Permissions to Express Dataflow in Stateful Programs. Onward! Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, October, 2009, [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~svens/papers/onward-2009.pdf].
== PhD Thesis ==
Sven Stork, ÆMINIUM - Freeing Programmers from the Shackles of Sequentiality, thesis submitted to the University of Coimbra and Carnegie Mellon University in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, March 2013. [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~svens/papers/PhD_Thesis__Sven_Stork.pdf]
Ijaz Ahmed, On the Formal Verification of Specifications based on Typestates with Access Permissions, thesis submitted to the University of Madeira in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, December 2012.
Alcides Fonseca, Strategies for Optimization of Parallel Programs, PhD Thesis Proposal, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2012. [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/4/4e/Thesis_proposal.pdf]
== Master Thesis ==
João Rafael, A programming language for parallel event-driven development, thesis to be submitted to the University of Coimbra for obtaining the Masters’ Degree in Informatics Engineering, September 2013.
Cristiano Gonçalves, Runtime Optimization of Programs for the Æminium Platform, thesis submitted to the University of Coimbra for obtaining the Masters’ Degree in Informatics Engineering, July 2013 [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/c/c2/Tese_cristiano.pdf]
Alcides Fonseca, ÆminiumGPU: A CPU-GPU Hybrid Runtime for the Æminium Language, thesis submitted to the University of Coimbra for obtaining the Masters’ Degree in Informatics Engineering, September 2011 [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/7/73/Alcides_fonseca_msc_thesis.pdf]
Manuel Mohr, AEminium Compilation Theory in the Context of the Plaid Language, Diploma thesis submitted to the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, February 2011 [http://pp.info.uni-karlsruhe.de/~mohr/DiplomaThesisMohr.pdf]
== Technical Reports ==
Sven Stork, Jonathan Aldrich, Paulo Marques, μÆminium Language Specification, Technical Report CMU-ISR-10-125R2, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, February, 2012. [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~svens/papers/tr-uaeminium-2012.pdf]
Néstor Cataño and Radu Siminiceanu. Automated Verification of Specifications with Typestates and Access Permissions. NASA Langley Research Center, NASA/CR-2011-217170, 2011. [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/4/48/20110014510_2011015139.pdf]
== Public Presentations ==
== Public Presentations ==
SSSG 2008: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/e/e2/ParallelProgrammingModels.pdf Parallel-Programming-Models.pdf]
SSSG 2008: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/d/d5/SSSG-CurrentResearch.pdf SSSG-CurrentResearch.pdf]
MultiCore 2013: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/6/6b/%C3%86miniumGPU_decider.pdf AEminiumGPU_decider.pdf]
Workshop in Exception Handling 2012: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/f/f8/Handling_Faults_in_Programs_with_Hidden_Concurrency.pdf Handling_Faults_in_Programs_with_Hidden_Concurrency.pdf]
Jonathan Aldrich, Ronald Garcia, Mark Hahnenberg, Manuel Mohr, Karl Naden, Darpan Saini, Sven Stork, Joshua Sunshine, Éric Tanter, and Roger Wolff.  Permission-Based Programming Languages (NIER Track). At the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '11), New Ideas and Emerging Results Track, 2011 [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/9/91/Plaidpermissions-icsenier-may11.pdf Plaidpermissions-icsenier-may11.pdf]
Concurrency-Workshop 2010: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/a/ae/AEminium-in-a-Nutshell.pdf AEminium-in-a-Nutshell.pdf]
UC/Seminar presentation January 2009: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/1/1e/Designing-a-Concurrent-Programming-Language.pdf Designing-a-Concurrent-Programming-Language.pdf]
UC/Seminar presentation January 2009: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/1/1e/Designing-a-Concurrent-Programming-Language.pdf Designing-a-Concurrent-Programming-Language.pdf]
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Onward 2009: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/f/ff/Concurrency-By-Default.pdf Concurreny-By-Default.pdf]
Onward 2009: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/f/ff/Concurrency-By-Default.pdf Concurreny-By-Default.pdf]
Concurrency-Workshop 2010: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/a/ae/AEminium-in-a-Nutshell.pdf AEminium-in-a-Nutshell.pdf]
SSSG 2008: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/e/e2/ParallelProgrammingModels.pdf Parallel-Programming-Models.pdf]
SSSG 2008: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/d/d5/SSSG-CurrentResearch.pdf SSSG-CurrentResearch.pdf]
== Internal Presentations ==
July 2011: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/6/6a/Presentation.pdf Pulse: Plural To EVMDD-SMC - The Compiler and Model Generator]
March 2011 at Novabase: [http://aeminium.dei.uc.pt/images/0/05/Novabase.pdf Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Task Threaded Server: A Case Study With The Plural Tool]

Latest revision as of 10:03, 29 July 2013

Publications in Conferences

Néstor Cataño and Ijaz Ahmed and Jonathan Aldrich and Radu Siminiceanu, Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Task Threaded Server, in Science of Computer Programming, 2013. [1]

Alcides Fonseca and Cabral, B. ,AeminiumGPU: An Intelligent Framework for GPU Programming, in Facing the Multicore-Challenge III, 2013 [2]

Radu I. Siminiceanu Ijaz Ahmed and Néstor Catanõ, Automated Verification of Specifications with Typestates and Access Permissions, in Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2012), Electronic Communications of the EASST, September 2012.

C. Olarte and E. Pimentel and N. Cataño and C. Rueda, A Linear Concurrent Constraint approach for the automatic verification of access permissions, in Proceedings of the 14th symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programming (PPDP), ACM Press, September 2012.

Alcides Fonseca, Bruno Cabral, Handling Exceptions in Programs with Hidden Concurrency: New Challenges for "Old" Solutions, in ICSE'12 Workshop Proceedings, 5th International Workshop on Exception Handling (WEH.12), Zurich, Switzerland, June, 2012. [3]

Néstor Cataño and Ijaz Ahmed, Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Task Threaded Server: A Case Study With The Plural Tool, in Proceedings of 16th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS'11), Trento, Italy, August 29-30, 2011 [4]

Nels E. Beckman, Duri Kim, and Jonathan Aldrich, An Empirical Study of Object Protocols in the Wild, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP '11), 2011. [5]

Roger Wolff, Ronald Garcia, Éric Tanter, and Jonathan Aldrich, Gradual Typestate, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP '11), 2011. [6]

Ligia Nistor and Jonathan Aldrich, Verifying Object-Oriented Code Using Object Propositions, in International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership in object-oriented programming (IWACO), 2011. [7]

Joshua Sunshine, Karl Naden, Sven Stork, Jonathan Aldrich, and Éric Tanter, First-Class State Change in Plaid, To appear in Proceedings of Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '11), 2011, [8]

David Alves, Pedro Bizarro and Paulo Marques, Deadline Queries: Leveraging the Cloud to Produce On-Time Results, in Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011), July 4-9, 2011, Washington Marriott, Washington DC, USA, [9]

Jonathan Aldrich, Ronald Garcia, Mark Hahnenberg, Manuel Mohr, Karl Naden, Darpan Saini, Sven Stork, Joshua Sunshine, Éric Tanter, and Roger Wolff, Permission-Based Programming Languages (NIER Track), in Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '11), New Ideas and Emerging Results Track, 2011, [10]

Filipe Militão, Jonathan Aldrich, and Luís Caires, Aliasing Control with View-Based Typestate, in Proceedings of Formal Techniques for Java Like Programs (FTfJP), 2010. [11]

Sven Stork, Paulo Marques, Jonathan Aldrich. Concurrency by Default: Using Permissions to Express Dataflow in Stateful Programs. Onward! Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, October, 2009, [12].

PhD Thesis

Sven Stork, ÆMINIUM - Freeing Programmers from the Shackles of Sequentiality, thesis submitted to the University of Coimbra and Carnegie Mellon University in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, March 2013. [13]

Ijaz Ahmed, On the Formal Verification of Specifications based on Typestates with Access Permissions, thesis submitted to the University of Madeira in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, December 2012.

Alcides Fonseca, Strategies for Optimization of Parallel Programs, PhD Thesis Proposal, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2012. [14]

Master Thesis

João Rafael, A programming language for parallel event-driven development, thesis to be submitted to the University of Coimbra for obtaining the Masters’ Degree in Informatics Engineering, September 2013.

Cristiano Gonçalves, Runtime Optimization of Programs for the Æminium Platform, thesis submitted to the University of Coimbra for obtaining the Masters’ Degree in Informatics Engineering, July 2013 [15]

Alcides Fonseca, ÆminiumGPU: A CPU-GPU Hybrid Runtime for the Æminium Language, thesis submitted to the University of Coimbra for obtaining the Masters’ Degree in Informatics Engineering, September 2011 [16]

Manuel Mohr, AEminium Compilation Theory in the Context of the Plaid Language, Diploma thesis submitted to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, February 2011 [17]

Technical Reports

Sven Stork, Jonathan Aldrich, Paulo Marques, μÆminium Language Specification, Technical Report CMU-ISR-10-125R2, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, February, 2012. [18]

Néstor Cataño and Radu Siminiceanu. Automated Verification of Specifications with Typestates and Access Permissions. NASA Langley Research Center, NASA/CR-2011-217170, 2011. [19]

Public Presentations

MultiCore 2013: AEminiumGPU_decider.pdf

Workshop in Exception Handling 2012: Handling_Faults_in_Programs_with_Hidden_Concurrency.pdf

Jonathan Aldrich, Ronald Garcia, Mark Hahnenberg, Manuel Mohr, Karl Naden, Darpan Saini, Sven Stork, Joshua Sunshine, Éric Tanter, and Roger Wolff. Permission-Based Programming Languages (NIER Track). At the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '11), New Ideas and Emerging Results Track, 2011 Plaidpermissions-icsenier-may11.pdf

Concurrency-Workshop 2010: AEminium-in-a-Nutshell.pdf

UC/Seminar presentation January 2009: Designing-a-Concurrent-Programming-Language.pdf

SSSG talk 2009: SSSG-Concurrency-by-Default.pdf

PhD-Proposal short presentation: Concurrent-Programming-via-Access-Permissions.pdf

Phd-Proposal UC: PhD-Proposal-Defense-UC.pdf

Onward 2009: Concurreny-By-Default.pdf

SSSG 2008: Parallel-Programming-Models.pdf

SSSG 2008: SSSG-CurrentResearch.pdf

Internal Presentations

July 2011: Pulse: Plural To EVMDD-SMC - The Compiler and Model Generator

March 2011 at Novabase: Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Task Threaded Server: A Case Study With The Plural Tool